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Hosted the Reddit Jet Blue guys for a few days. We went to the Long Beach Aquarium. A dude met up with us - he'd come up from Miramar, had a couple days liberty, had no friends, I ended up talking to him. Nice kid. Couldn't have been 19. Think he was a truck mechanic.

I checked in with him every now and then through PMs. DIdn't hear from him for maybe six months. Then he wrote me. He'd been reassigned to Diego Garcia. He spent his days scuba diving and hanging out on the beach. And, two or three times a week, torturing hajis. He was a little conflicted, but didn't have that much to say about it.

I think we'll be seeing the ripples of our clandestine Global War On Terror for decades to come. We've done some fucked up shit for some fucked up reasons and we don't know a tenth of it.