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Somewhat stalled in my reading, so much of this is redundant, but here we go.

Gnomon by Nick Harkaway. Absolutely brilliant, but difficult to describe. Layers upon layers, and manages to be about as meta as you can get, both within the story and outside it, and that's the whole point.

Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse. I have to do this one in small doses, as it hits closer to home than just about anything else I've ever read.

El Club Dumas by Arturo PĆ©rez-Reverte. They made a movie of this back in the late 1990s called The Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp, that no one saw. It's pretty good. I'm reading it to my daughter, who knows it only as "the Spanish book" (as it's in Spanish).

Honduras: Challenges and Difficulties in Democratic Reconstruction. Published by the Centro de DocumentaciĆ³n de Honduras, it's a series of essays from 2011 about issue with democratic reform there.

The cleaning lady in my office is from Honduras, and in asking her about it, she said that she has no interest in going back because the current present is terrible. I realized I knew basically nothing about Honduras, so have been trying to educate myself. The Congressional Research Service's background is a good starting place.