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oyster  ·  2239 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The path forward on guns

What am I portraying gun owners to be like ?

I understand that the article is saying we aren’t getting anywhere because of a deep trust issue. I just don’t see how that solves anything. I have never heard a moderate gun rights person propose any legislations that is a good compromise. If we are going to use the argument that it’s the other sides fault that they don’t do that then there has to be a before. There has to be a time where they did go okay okay maybe we could do this and then get paranoid.

I emailed my politicians on behalf of somebody who was against more gun control because I didn’t feel the two sides understood each other about 3 years ago in hopes that they could reach a better compromise. I knew what this article was saying 3 years ago. I sat at home with said gun owner and tried to explain to him that he was just being combative and he can’t be mad at the other side for not seeing it his way when he never really explained it. This article isn’t bringing up anything new or interesting. Hell, I bet if you posted this article 3 years ago I would have agreed that people should be more like me.

Now ? At this point there is absolutely nothing I can or will ever do that will convince moderate gun owners that we should do something about the whole toddler killing people in America thing, something I’ve brought up on this site every single time this is in the spotlight.

You are well aware that I’ve been pretty moderate and understanding of both sides. I stuck up for him, I emailed my politicians but I’m done. Don’t come at me suggesting I don’t give a shit about black kids getting shot and male suicide rates. You want to throw something in my face ? Tell me about a time you came up with a good compromise on gun control, something that would have worked and actually brought that to an argument. Show me a link about a time you tried that instead of just argued about what words meant. That’s what will change my mind about how much you actually care about changing anything and that’s what might just make me think I shouldn’t have given up on your side.