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am_Unition  ·  2218 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Cambridge Analytica used "bribes and Ukrainian sex workers."

You were right to be skeptical. It was a little bit underwhelming, but it's hard to top yesterday's Ukranian hookers admission.

The new report explicitly acknowledged that CA stood everything to gain from claiming that they were responsible for Trump's election victory in what they presumed was a sales meeting, and off the record. CA claimed that they engineered the "lock her up" tagline and accompanying media, which they then passed to the campaign. Like 'bl00 said, they touted their targeting of the emotional core of any given debate, and were very methodical in deciding to target swing states that Hillary failed to campaign in adequately.

You might've caught this last month, but the votes for Stein were encouraged by the Russians, effectively depleting the democratic turnout for Hilldawg. That there is a similarity in tactics between Russian and CA approaches to misinformation, kompromat, emotional appeals, etc. is very disconcerting, though not necessarily direct evidence that they worked together. I still think it's quite likely that Mueller will get Flynn or Bannon to concede that the campaign shared intel and/or funding with the Russians. And Kushner's got a baby face that looks like it could positively sing if he's ever on the stand.

Either way, the Mercers are terrible people. Terrible people with absurdly large foreheads.