No. I reject this entire line of reasoning out of hand. You should too. Nobody was whingeing for people to "come together" while the Right was going batshit about "death panels." Nor were they when the Right was accusing anyone opposed to the Iraq War of "hating freedom." There was none of this when Reagan was selling the Iranians Stinger missiles to pay for Nicaraguan death squads. For my entire goddamn life, it has been the Right going cuckoo for cocoapuffs over some unhinged whackball shit and the Left being calm. Now that we've got literal Nazis marching the streets with torches, now that the President of the United States is a puppet of Russia, now that the Department of the Interior is defunding national parks, now the fucktards on the Right are asking for calm. No. There's a line in the sand and we can't even see it in the goddamn rearview mirror anymore. People who should know better are hectoring each other about whether or not an AR-15 is an "assault weapon" so they don't have to address the reality that nobody - nobody needs to own a fucking AR-15. "Everyone should calm down" is a 'winger way of saying "you should stop freaking out about the batshit insane stuff I'm doing." And I'm not going to do that. And neither should you. You know what an extreme left-wing position is? Welfare, universal healthcare and a confiscatory tax on wealth. You know what an extreme right-wing position is? Rescinding human rights, Victorian inequality and, apparently, this shit. Things aren't going to change by the Right arguing they're being reasonable. They're fucking not.