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OftenBen  ·  2257 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: More Religious Leaders Challenge Silence, Isolation Surrounding Suicide

    You never asked questions about how Baha'is view suicide, the afterlife, mental health, their beliefs on the human soul, spiritual development, or anything of the sort.

Do you have something substantive to add to this description? link

    You never asked why I view my religious background as an overwhelmingly positive experience.

Irrelevant to the current discussion.

    You know there will be nuances, because there are always nuances and that's what colors these worldviews of ours, you know there will be differences, because there are always differences, because we all have different beliefs, but you don't want to ask and I want to converse, not lecture.

Irrelevant to the theological backdrop for most of the people in the US. Christians, Christian culture and pop-christian theology dominate. There is nothing your average priest can say that will go against the Vatican's official ruling on the fate of victims of suicide. People have heretical beliefs all the time, that doesn't make them orthodoxy.

    I am continually insulted, but continually not angry, because you assume I lack any ability to understand, empathize, or exercise any degree of imagination. You're being dismissive. That's not okay in the sense that you're not giving me a fair shake, but that is okay in the sense that you're entitled to feel what you're feeling and I'm not going to tell you otherwise.

My intent is not to offend, and I am sorry that you feel that way. The things that have happened to me, the things that I have described feeling at very young ages have been continually referenced to as 'unimaginable' by those in the know. There is no fair shake to give. I don't pretend to understand the experience of combat veterans because I have never been in a life or death struggle. I get that you feel empathetic, and that's a good thing. And empathy does not equal understanding. Shared experience is what does that, and we don't have any of that.

    Consider a healthier world view.

When I hear a new idea, you will be added to the list of people I have to tell about it.