Just the one so far, but yeah. I'm fine with her playing violent stuff within reason, with the degree based on her age. In other words, she needs some experience with life in general before anything too gory or violent would be appropriate IMO. But she knows I do kung fu and is starting to understand what that means. She understands the idea of protecting her from monsters. We play Mario Kart together, and she thinks it's funny when people get hit with turtle shells. This is about where she's at right now. What I keep in mind is the simple fact that violence is still a part of our lives in some form or another. Just as I don't want her to be so unused to personal freedom that she goes on a 6-month binge when she goes to college, I don't want her to have so little experience with the idea of violence that she can't handle it when it comes unbidden. My job as a parent is in part to train her to face the rest of the world, and that includes exposure to violence. Familiarity breeds contempt, and I want her to be able to cope even as I want her not to revel in it.