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blackbootz  ·  2568 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 10, 2018

That's awesome news about the diet! After experimenting with keto and seeing what it did for my body composition and energy, I fell in love. I don't currently diet, but on my good days, my shopping and eating habits conform to the low carbohydrate, adequate protein, and gobs of fat recommendations of keto.

Not to imply that you need to do anything more than what you're already doing, but I found that minimal strength training (twice a week, 2 hours total) and sprinting (once a week, <15 minutes) pushed my energy levels and satisfaction with my lifestyle into cloud nine. Granted, I enjoy the low background sore feeling that comes with strength training, so my cloud nine is slightly atypical.

Nonetheless, good on ya.