Saaaaame it’s because my brain decided I was afraid of commitment but let me believe I wanted it so that fucker kept going for emotionally unavailable guys. That way when I experienced this desire for commitment I had already set myself up in a situation where it wasn’t going to happen without even realizing it. So one night summer guy and myself are planning to talk about where this relationship is going, and I wasn’t actually sure what he would say. I was pretty firmly in the “want” group before we were going to talk and as soon as this conversation was inevitable I pivoted quickly to the “omg I don’t want a relationship right now” group until he said he wanted to keep things casual and I wound up in the “sad because obviously we would be great together if he just gave it a chance” pit of confusion. I ain’t proud. Although, it did make it easier to evaluate my thought processes having them laid out on such a short timeline. He did the same thing. As soon as I didn’t want one again he would start to feel like a relationship was a good idea. Prime patio days. Can think of two instances the other way around, where I have asked