Life is good in the hood. Crypto is bonkers... but I think I've stopped watching the prices. I've asked a friend to just tell me when it hits a certain point... until the point where a price is something I am going to take action around, I was just letting it affect me too much. My job is so much fun. It's really challenging, but really rewarding. I get to manage a tech support team. Every day is some ridiculous challenge... and I get to help people push through it. It's fun to talk about career development and help people make plans about what they want to do next. I love it. I guess I don't love getting yelled at by customers when issues get escalated... but even then, I just smile a lot, listen a lot and try to have fun with them too. It's fun to fix stuff. It's even more fun to help others come together as a team and fix stuff. Keep on rockin' in the free world...