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FirebrandRoaring · 2613 days ago · link · · parent · post: "This is why they hate us" - The Other Tech Bubble
If you think all the trees in the park suck because the park does, you're factually incorrect. There are some badass channels on YouTube. Every Frame a Painting. Veritasium (and Veritasium2). CGP Grey. Even SovietWomble — all off my own list. You don't have to watch the video. I was just looking for your opinion as an experienced film industry guy. You also don't have to empty a bucketload on others just because it rained on you. For one thing, Google literally connects the world, in ways nothing else does. But, sure, you can suddenly reduce your argument to one side and stick with the rightousness; as if someone can command you otherwise. Just... shit, man: aim.ALL Youtube channels suck.