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johnnyFive  ·  2329 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 6, 2017

Abiding. Work is still a drag, but I'm trying to re-align my own expectations for myself. I still want to be doing something different, something more, but I'm trying to cut myself at least a small amount of slack.

I also bought a Switch earlier today as my Christmas present to myself. I need a little more pointless fun in my life. Meds mean I can do more Serious Thinking and what-not, but they don't mean I can't still tire myself out, and that signal is harder to read than it used to be. So I'm kind of giving myself a break for the rest of the year, trying to do more creative stuff (found an art tutor locally and am going to write more), and play some Zelda. (And Super Mario Odyssey once Amazon brings it to me.)

And that's about it. Books are still fun, TV is still fun. What can I say?