As always, your insights and expertise are appreciated. Also, CCRU is indistinguishable from timecube by the lay observer. What you're saying, to my read, is that people can't tell if he's cheering out of fatalism or trolling out of nihilism. Neither outcome seems to warrant 3500 words addressing the angst of whether he should be spoken to. For the record, I hated the fuck out of Aldo Leopold. Aldo Leopold, however, wrote in sentences parseable by rank-and-file humanity. This general readability also applies to Emerson, Thoreau, the Stoics or even, with qualification, Nietzsche (holy shit spelled it right on the 2nd try). Yet modern philosophy seems to be written in Fedspeak. Even discussion of modern philosophy is written in Fedspeak. Is there a reason for this other than to obscure an unclothed emperor?