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_refugee_  ·  2353 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A growing number of young Americans are leaving desk jobs to farm

Honestly, non-snarkily, I really like the idea of living off the land and farming in such a way so as to meet (most of ) a person/family's nutritional needs - kickin' it old school. The idea has always had a lot of appeal to me. My brother and I used to dream-talk about going in together on that sort of communal farm endeavor.

Philosophically speaking, I've always found it a fair shame that our society basically prohibits a person from picking up, finding a patch of land, putting down roots (literally) and living off the land for long-term sustenance. Unless you inherit some property and have a few buckets of cash saved away, there's just no way you can maintain a farm-based life without some kind of scheme to generate profit. Property tax and what not.

Generally speaking I'm a fan of taxes, don't get me wrong.

I know the difference between ideals and reality though, so I know I find a lot of appeal in these ideas...but the life would be p tough. That's why I really do think the ideal way to farming/self-sustenance does require at least a small band of physically capable, committed adults for successful execution.

As for seven sections of corn - yeah. We ain't talkin industrial farming here. Industrial farming of cash crops funded by gov't subsidies is no kind of farming I'm interested in at all.

I guess thank god for Michael Pollan and everyone else who helped get us here, right?

Full article got behind a paywall for me like wamp, but hey thar's my opinions.