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zebra2  ·  2413 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I made some vaporwave crap

That’s good insight. One of the artists that I’ve been into recently (who I just posted about in the other music thread) is Baths, and he throws a lot of unpredictable wrenches into his songs. After a while you start to realize there are specific motifs that get used over and over to create that unpredictability though.

I think it’s really about developing certain things that work, outside the predictable set of musical tropes. Then, when the toolbox is big enough, you can throw in these well-refined motifs and not have it seem like you’re doing exactly that.

Related comic I saw on reddit a couple minutes ago:

Also I’m gonna check out that BoC album. I’ve listened to them a bit but haven’t found a good place to really dive in.