Fuck dude if you're going to be that anal hit the Valle Grande. I mean, I used to dig Chaco'n'shit? And it's cool'an'all? but it ain't high. And it's full of depressing bullshit. Fun fact: friends of mine did Peace Corps. Two year bid in Turkmenistan. No flushing toilets, deep in the legit. That was great. Two year bid in Tajikistan. Poverty everywhere, water down the hill. That was great. Then they decided to come closer to home so they signed up for a two year bid in Gallup. Noped the fuck out in three months, they did. Fuckin' Navajo country be bleak-ass shit, yo. By all means, see Chaco at some point. But don't drag a goddamn scope there. Take it from a kid who did 100% of his observations in New Mexico - I would not drag a scope anywhere near shiprock ever, for any reason.