Version 2 of EMR/EHR. I don't see it coming with what we have now. I'll bet you use a much more skookum EHR than my wife does. She uses one written for midwives. But then, she also does naturopathic medicine and that one requires a different set of fields so she uses two. And when a patient graduates from prenatal care to naturopathic care, the intake has to be done all over again. Both of them will allow you to dive through their data, but it's GIGO - if you call something "depression" with one patient and "sadness" with another, you get a report for "sadness" and "depression" each with an n of 1. This is something that came up with the discovery of the opioid epidemic - there was no agreed-upon standard of what you call an opioid overdose so they got reported under 20 different categories in Ohio alone. Once a researcher went through and screened everything that could be an opioid overdose and went back and looked at the autopsies and death certificates, they saw this: ...but they didn't see it until 2013. Metadata is a bitch. I have to plumb my own for Soundminer and every library uses their own tags. I ran into this when I was looking into stock: Getty and Corbis both use different tags. ICD10 standardizes the diagnosis for billing, insurance and statistical purposes but it doesn't standardize the history. I think you're right - there will be a push to make the terminology standardized so that it is more easily parse-able. But it's going to be the kind of herculean effort similar to the 12 years it took for homosexuality to cease to be a mental disorder between the DSM3 and DSM4.