abandonment issues At the end of the month about half of my office is leaving for retirement or other jobs. The issue I have is that they are most of the good half. Not to mention that my workload is going to suck a whole lot until we can replace them. I am not sure whether I want to cuss or cry. I will probably do a little of both by the end of this. telescopes Finally played around with this old telescope that I have and used it to look at something other than the moon. I spotted Jupiter and the Galilean moons a couple weeks back and last weekend I got it lined up on Venus. Saturn will be my next target, I wonder if I will be able to discern the rings from the disc of the planet with what I have. I know they are supposed to be tilted toward us for good viewing right now. francopoli - any ideas on places that might be able to clean a telescope? It has a defunct wasp nest in it, it looks like. I was thinking about calling around to camera shops or the local observatory.