Signaling that everything is fine I don't want to close my eyes Signaling that nothings worth my time Provocative lyrics. Here's what they provoke in me: We all signal. We can't be responsible for someone's interpretation of the signal. Some people need to see that "everything is fine" in order to continue on their own trajectory. We've seen enough and heard enough to suspect that when someone's "fine" - they might not be. So how do we hear past the outward signal and understand the real message? Do you feel heard and understood by at least one other person? How do we keep our eyes wide open -- not avert our eyes -- when the discrepancies between so many of us are so glaring? How can we keep our eyes open and live as ethical a life as possible? I don't know the answers, but asking the questions is at least something. That's what I hear in your song.I don't want to waste my life