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steve  ·  2777 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shake it up. Offer up one somewhat unpopular opinion that you hold.

I agree with so much of what you said... in an idealistic sense... but sometimes unfortunately,

    If you are a single parent, you should get less welfare and benefits.

on the front end... this makes a TON of sense... on the back end.. when asshole leaves the lady with four kids hanging... she's now up a creek.

    Oh, and visible tattoos and body modification are stupid. WTF is up with the idiotic nose ring thing? And gauges? Stop that shit.

I am chuckling out loud at this one... a running joke in my family: face tattoos all say "DO NOT HIRE ME"

    The government should move away from "marriage" and more toward a "civil union" model so that the religious and traditional people can get a marriage and have that mean what they want.

    Gay people should be allowed to have the legal and financial benefits of marriage/civil unions.

a thousand times... this. Excellent post.