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    Fuck. Those are a ton of questions. Those questions are deep as fuck. Yet none of them were adequately addressed let alone resolved.

And there it is.

Science fiction isn't supposed to give you the answer. It's supposed to give you the question. It's not their job to resolve the issues they raise, it's their job to give you a new insight or perspective into an existing societal problem masquerading as a sentient alien bred for hunting. It is not the job of the author to tell you what to think, it is the job of the author to give you new insights into the way you already think. The purpose of science fiction is to question assumptions, not deliver platitudes.

This comes to the fore in your frustration over the way O'Brien acted - he didn't meet your expectations. He didn't fit into your preconceptions. All the questions this raised for you are there by design - that is the function of the narrative, to get you spooled up and thinking about all this shit. Not to sit back and go "yep, my prejudices are confirmed for the day! Let's watch SportsCenter!""

    I’m just saying though, if you’re gonna bring up shit for the sake of exploration, fucking explore it.

You're not, though. You're saying "if you're gonna ask questions, fucking answer them" and that's most decidedly not the point.