Awesome for you. I've also gone cold turkey on soda. Just over five years ago. My "Come to Jesus" experience with sugarless beverages came in the form of a glioma (brain tumor) I had at the time. Recognizing that leaving unneeded sugars out of my body would increase the likelihood of my survival, or lessen a cancer recurrence, at least, I drink mostly green tea.
I use a huge pot on the stove to boil up 12 decaf green tea bags and then pour it into a one gallon jar, and toss it into the fridge.
A side benefit, is about 10-12 lbs weight loss, (I've also been running and working out more too.).
I've found that as my body habituated to the reduction in sugar, I have zero interest in drinking beverages with sugar. I actually feel like crap if I have a can of Coke. Too much of a sugar spike.