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You're still proselytizing the Myth of the Black Hat, though. Greater good through mayhem. You're arguing that "inconvenience" is equivalent to "deliberate destruction of product" so long as things get better at some point but using that logic, I could make the argument that NSAIDs are safer now that Vioxx has killed somewhere this side of a half million people.

Maybe we need this. Maybe we need that. Maybe we need to make it so that the people who buy and install app-controlled gewgaws don't need six months of Khan Academy before they can figure out if they're contributing to a botnet. But there's nothing moral or commendable or admirable about fucking with people's shit because maybe someday their shit will be harder to fuck with. You're basically arguing that hood ornaments are an attractive nuisance and if you don't want your hood ornament stolen, you shouldn't buy a Mercedes.

And for fuck's sake, let's stop gloating over those poor benighted users with desktops full of icons as if it's their fault a coder three layers down left a backdoor in the build.