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am_Unition  ·  2556 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: There might not be a ‘Planet Nine’ after all

I've seen some people tactfully keep god in their lives while doing great science, and I'm trying to shy away from phrasing things in a militant tone. At least for now. The opposite comes more naturally anyway.

I won't blame any one age bracket, either. My generation has plenty of dumbshits, trust me, and as we've beefed up standardized curriculum and increasingly formalized the classroom, critical thinking has suffered. No time for self-actualization.

I'm not sure that those social media accounts have a one-to-one correspondence with American citizens. I'm also quite aware of how conspiratorial all of this must sound. Maybe my refusal to believe in the extent America's ignorance will come back to bite me.