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johnnyFive  ·  2585 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Star Wars: The Last Jedi 1st teaser

I wouldn't call myself a die-hard, but I too found TFA to suck ... was just lazy at best. Rogue One was better, but still not great. I'm not going to be the slightest bit surprised if this is just a shot-for-shot remake of Empire just like TFA was a re-do of A New Hope. They also seem to have given away the big plot point (twist?) in the teaser: Luke's going to say that they need someone who's balanced between the light side and the dark rather than a Jedi, who's just light.

I doubt I'll see this one in the theaters, since even professional reviews can't be trusted not to be riding the Star Wars Peen.