When I need to commiserate through music, I've got a few varied choices. I recommend listening to them above safe volumes.
Shostakovich - 5th symphony in D Minor
Shostakovich wrote this piece while being... unpopular with the soviet government critics. it was the piece that turned his career around, and brought him back into favour with the government. All of it is fantastic, but the 4th movement has a few truly special moments - especially for me as a player. Some anchoring points for listening pleasure - 2:13 (when the piece moves into a new tempo as the trumpet solo starts), coming into 2:38 (where the basses come in), 3:03 (wherein shit gets fucking real), 4:16 (being in the orchestra for this point is an electric feeling) 5:38 (where the theme comes crawling out of the depths) 7:40, 8:40 (another moment where being in the orchestra is an electric experience).
There's a lot of stuff built into this piece that is sort of "Inside Baseball", including some references to Beethoven's 5th symphony that make it extra special for me as a nerd, but I hope you gain some enjoyment and catharsis from this piece.
Death Cab for Cutie - Tiny Vessels
I am the girl, as i listen to this song.
Julien Baker - Go Home
"I know you're still worried
I'm gonna get scared again
try and make my insides clean
with your kitchen bleach, but
I've kissed enough bathroom sinks
to make up for the lovers
who never loved me
And i know,
my body is just dirty clothes
tired of washing my hands
god I wanna go home."