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coffeesp00ns  ·  2572 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: It's the International Trans Day of Visibility. I'm Trans. Ask Me Almost Anything

nah, Jenner's had way too much work done for just a publicity stunt. Plus, at the end of the day all you can do is believe someone. HOWEVER she's a really bad example of what being a trans person is like. Most trans people can't just take a year and just have all your surgeries, hair removal, etc done and taken care of. Jenner is rich,and she is an example of what a rich trans woman has access to. Most trans women aren't rich - I'm still working on affording some more laser hair removal, and it'll be years before i can get surgery through government access.

In answer to your first question, it again depends. In my personal experience, when I was investigating getting treatment in Northern Ontario, it was looking like I would have had to get an appointment in Toronto at CAMH to get started on Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT. This would have taken 6 months or so from my initial request. Instead, I looked into Ottawa, where i also had a place to live, and getting access to care was as easy as getting a referral to a local free health care clinic. I then had to go through a few months of counselling appointments, but that would have happened at CAMH too, so I ended up about 6 months ahead. If you live in Nunavut, say, you ALSO have to go to CAMH because there are no services there.

Basically, trans health care access is spotty and all over the place, and you need to know how to navigate the system.