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lm  ·  2621 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Shopski preview: rebuilding an air compressor pump

Here's a picture of the compressor in question:

Don't believe the 7 HP marketing bullshit; it's a 4 HP motor. The pump itself is an oiled iron-body USA-made model that's supposed to last a good long while. Nothing else in the pump has any axial play. The reason it was so cheap is it was sold to me in almost-running condition; the guy had robbed the pressure switch and some plumbing to fix up a beast of an old Qunicy 2-stage compressor. (I in turn robbed a pressure switch and some plumbing off another air compressor that well and truly shit the bed.)

I've been trying to figure out how the conrod failed; there's a burr on the crank journal, but I'm not sure if that's what caused the failure or if it's a side effect. The rod looks like it got twisted and then it grabbed the crank and shattered.

(Behind the compressor in the picture are two 25 gallon tanks that put me at 110 gallons of air storage, which is quite nice when running a die grinder or the like.)