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nowaypablo  ·  2655 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 25, 2017

A slip isn't practical for me. Huge expense of energy, with the hopes of getting to counter with a body shot. This could be good if you're at a bar and your guy is instinctively holding his breath, which you'll knock out if you hit him right and he's pretty much done.

If you've got a nice hook and a strong jab you can give your opponent a very bad day with a couple nice slips, but my first bout as far as the class goes only evaluated how we worked with jabs. As a result, I just focused on feints to make him jump off guard, hopefully throw a panic-y punch for me to counter to open up his face for a short combo.

I wrestled in high school so I had to kick the instinct of leaning forward to protect my legs. Trying to slip just puts my weight forward again, all of a sudden my dumb ass is offering a cordial invite to my opponent to knock me out.