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bioemerl  ·  2671 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Moral Imperative to Assume the Worst—Philosophy’s Response to Donald Trump

The more I read articles like this the more I realize that the only thing you need to call yourself a philosopher is a degree.

This isn't philosophy, this is politics disguised as philosophy. Should we have assumed the worst when it came to allegations that republicans were raising about Obama being disloyal to the United States? Of course not, we should assume what is reasonable to assume, nothing more and nothing less.

All I see is an attempt to make criticism of the very wide and somewhat reaching comparison between trump and hitler go away with a guise of "well, philosophy says you should always assume the worst". It's about as well founded as the idiots who were running around screaming about how obama was from kenya and a muslim.