I was scheduled to fly home Saturday. My flight was cancelled, and the next available one was on Monday out of Rochester. So I slept on my friend's floor for two days, drove home with him, then went to the Rochester airport. Flight delayed, fucked up my connection. Next available flight was Tuesday morning. Slept for 4 hours, got up and flew out. Finally made it home 72 hrs after my scheduled arrival. Sigh.
But I'm home now. Hung out with friends yesterday, and more people are getting home today (+ my sister). Cool. Coolcoolcool.
I applied to this lighting/sound internship at a theatre in Maine for this summer. They cover room & board and there's a small stipend. I wasn't sure whether to apply and my friend asked "Do you lose anything by applying?"
They said they'll contact me after break if they want to schedule an interview.
I also realized that Berklee has an online certificate in Live Sound Engineering that lasts basically the exact dates that I have between fall semester and Freiburg next year, and costs basically the exact amount that I have left in grant money. So that might be lit, or I might try and find like an internship in Germany for that time.