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cgod  ·  2713 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 7, 2016

I got a vasectomy yesterday.

Had a hard time sleeping last night but the pain is pretty bearable today.

They said to stay off your feet for 24 hours and better if I could do 48. I'm not good at immobility, had to get up and take a short walk this morning and I feel a good deal better for it.

My doctor was an old guy. I asked him how many he had done.

"Thousands, my record is 90 in one day."

He said it was overseas and part of a family planning drive. They would prep ahead of him and he'd go down the line snipping.

He gave me a brief history of the procedure and how it's evolved.

Not much blood or swelling.