That's mainly my "things I read in High school" section. This bookcase used to be ordered with Dewey Decimal System - a fact that once got me a job at my college library. However, the library used Library of Congress, which I still have basically memorized (which is hard to prove over the internet, but trust me). Re-organized it in LoC during college, it's now organized "historically" and if there are books that remind me of certain people (if I lent it to them, or vice versa, or if we've talked about it etc), I have them grouped as well. Re-organizing my bookshelf is my go-to procrastination task.
Here is my current favorite bookcase section - mushroom box full of important notes from people, then just a fucking birdhouse, then children/YA section (Narnia and Series of Unfortunate Events)
...I like my bookshelf.