Excellent question. And the simple answer is, exhaustion. I've spent my entire life - since I was literally a child - working for equal rights for everyone; women, minorities, religions, disabled, artists, weirdos, etc. I just think every person has value and merit and equal protection under the Constitution. It's really simple: All men are created equal. That they have certain inalienable rights... I grew up in Los Angeles, and my family had to move because the smog was so bad there were whole weeks where we weren't allowed to go outside. Fighting hard against big businesses that didn't give a shit about the air, water, environment, or Earth, we fought for decades, and now Los Angeles has clean air, cars around the world have such low emissions levels that we had to invent new devices to sample them, and people everywhere enjoy environmental expectations of clean water and air. Women are now found in every single job, at every single level, and are respected for their minds, and not just their arm-candy value. Women get intelligent, science-based health care, in clean clinics, where their procedures are medically recognized, refined, standardized, and paid for by their health insurance. People can let their fashion freak flag fly, and get jobs, and not be discriminated against in the workplace. People suffering in other countries can come to America, take a vow, and become American. There is no other country in the world where you can become one of them. America embraces everyone with a shared set of values, and provides a path forward for those whose countries or societies prevent them from succeeding on their own merit. And on, and on, and on. THESE are the values I have fought for my entire fucking life. And every single one of these values was repudiated, spat upon, and openly mocked on November 8th. The smallest, most scared, most base, most hate-filled platform won easily. So fuck all of America between the Cascade Mountains and the Appalachians. It's my liberal, west coast, high tech salary that pays the taxes that keeps those motherfuckers in corn subsidies, welfare, food stamps, and provides the roads and bridges they drive on to go to their Klan meetings. The nipple they suck is MINE. So fuck em. No more freeloading off me. They voted against everything I believe in, and have worked for.