It's not okay now, I just think it's being reported more now. "Kid writes N word in bathroom stall at local high school" wasn't a story a story a year ago, but now that the national conversation is focusing around Trump, and racism, and xenophobia, those stories get published and broadcast. bfv below linked a story from Minnesota, where I live, and I don't think that is acceptable by any means. The vast majority of people don't. We would have never heard that story a year ago, but if we were to look at all middle and high school bathrooms, I'm sure we could find plenty of edgy kids who wrote the N word on something, or drew a swastika, etc. It's entirely wrong, no disagreement there. I just think it's another one of those things that's going to be over-reported now.I have heard stories about kids being overtly racist in a school setting, which is apparently okay now.