Thanks for the thoughts. And I share them, as well. Like I told KB, I have an extremely close friend who is an honest-to-God Iowa corn farmer, and we have these talks. I bought a motorcycle a couple of weekends ago, and riding home I rode through Trump territory. It's no more than 40 minutes, MAX, from my house. Hell, my MOM was head of the western states' US Chamber of Commerce for 15 years, and the only more Republican organization than that is probably the Heritage Foundation. We avoid talking politics because it never goes well. I basically have insurance now for the first time in my life. This describes me perfectly. I know I have it, but I also know it won't pay for shit, so I don't use it. Ever. I pay cash out of pocket. Out of simple fear of the system. But Americans have been raised to believe anything can be cured with a pill. Take a close look at the opiate addiction problem, for a microcosm of what is wrong with the entire way medicine is practiced in the USA. And yet, the moment the Democrats look at a Republican's program, say, "Hey. Now there's a Good Idea!" and then go to implement it... who tells us every single day that it is destroying America? Yeah. And a huge scam, that has been perpetrated by the construction industry. And, the way sports are supported in the USA, are simply a brutal form of tribalism. When I played rugby overseas, after a match both teams went out the bar and got drunk together and talked shit about the game. Everyone walked off the field and left the game on the field. Americans? They riot. And brutalize each other. All so the construction industry can build more ridiculous shit on the back of the taxpayers, by selling them a load of bullshit. This is where the Republicans and Democrats really differ. (Well, until Trump.) The Republicans have always had a well-oiled machine that could change direction on a dime. Spin anything. With the Democrats? Well, as they say, the easiest way to beat a Democrat is to put two of them in a room together. Ha ha ha. But seriously, Democrats (who I do not identify with, by the way) are wonks. They argue details and nuances and projection methods. Republicans just make shit up that sounds good in a sound byte - even if it contradicts their position yesterday - and then suddenly every one of the talking heads is using the exact same script. It's ridiculous. They'll say anything because of their cynical view of the American populace as being dumb and easily distracted. I've got lotsa good folks in the flyover states, but am always happy to add more to the list! They don’t have insurance and when they do they’re afraid of the bureaucratic process of handling billing.
Sports are a source of regional and civic pride.
Just because someone or a group of someones doesn't strike you as sophisticated, it doesn't mean that they aren't.
If you’re ever on the road and find that you might be in Redneckistan and you know one of us Hubskiers is near by, shoot up a flare. We got some good folks to introduce you to.