I think you're overlooking the partisanship angle. I know two intelligent, worldly and only-kinda-racist rich white people that are voting for Trump. They're not voting for him because he's racist or because he wants to build a wall - they're voting for him because he's the Republican candidate, goddamn it and that's what we do. Yet despite all that, Republicans are still with him. Which is why the election is so close.And you couldn't have come up with a better individual to test that loyalty. Donald Trump is a recent convert to conservative ideology, which he expresses with absolutely no evidence of sincerity. He offers something to alienate every key constituency in the GOP, whether it's his occasional forays into isolationist talk (anathema to the neocons and other national security conservatives), his protectionism (abhorrent to the business conservatives), his libertine lifestyle and lack of religiosity (a no-no with the Christian right), or his lack of concern with cutting spending (distressing to the Tea Partiers). Then there's the fact that he is, in nearly every way you could imagine, a revolting human being. Barely a week goes by in which we don't learn of some new dimension to his awfulness. If there's any virtue he embodies or character flaw he has avoided, it's hard to think of what it might be.