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kleinbl00  ·  2746 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Harry Reid accuses FBI Director James Comey of violating the Hatch Act

I recently finished this book. It was enthralling for many reasons. But one of the big ones was the (well-supported) argument that our appetite for "pseudo-social relationships" is the steady erosion of community and friendship. We watch more Reality TV, we care more about gossip, we spend more time focusing on the famous because there are simply fewer connections between us and the people around us. More than that, with the balkanization of interests and professions, it is the overarching gossip of celebrity that we have in common with strangers.

In other words, we care about Kim Kardashian because Kim Kardashian is one of the few things we have in common with our fellow man anymore.

I have my shitty roommate because my good roommate goes to a bar in Silverlake every Tuesday to listen to records. Bring a record, get a drink ticket. But he's there every Tuesday, and so's my shitty roommate. Might as well be church.

Shit. I used to have Tuesdays.