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But miscarriages are ok tho rite

If abortions are made illegal due to some construance of "infanticide," or "murder," in the eyes of the law, it logically follows not that women should be excused for their miscarriages, but that they be prosecuted, perhaps, under some sort of "manslaughter" or "accidental death" clause. Women who chronically miscarry should be somehow removed from the open reproduction pool, prevented from continuing the genocide their womb so single-mindedly pursues.

The sole difference between an abortion and a miscarriage is a person's deliberate intent and/or action. In court, "sorry I didn't mean to" is not an acceptable defense for causing loss of life. If we're going to outlaw abortion, why should "miscarriages" get to skate on through? If we don't close this loophole I swear, the next thing you know, all these murderous mothers will be standing in courtrooms arguing that we can't prove they killed their fetuses on purpose! That if it was an accident, even if there's only a reasonable doubt, they should be let off the hook!

Why, that would be just asking for justice to be abused!


An abortion isn't exactly a fun time or a walk in the park. It's pretty shitty by all accounts. I don't know how I feel about "people should be punished for stupid sex decisions" as an ethos, but I do wonder why the whole "having an abortion" part of the consequences of stupid sex decisions is not being counted towards the "punishment" end of the equation?

Like, it is not fun to have an abortion, it is rather the opposite. I think it could be counted quite easily as "punishment" for a stupid sex decision. 1 person out of every 100 might be excited/look forward to their abortion, but I'm going to go out there on a limb and say that the vast majority of women who have an abortion experience a lot of emotional, not to mention physical, stress and pain as a direct result.

An abortion isn't fun. It's often simply the least worst option. You aren't going to enjoy walking off the cliff just because your sides and back are surrounded by a raging fire. You just might have a better chance at survival, that's it.


Hey, you! Angry someone. Don't be too literal here. I'm trying to make a point, not actually lock up the chronically infertile. I just wanna know - what's the difference?