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b_b  ·  2756 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Plan To Defend Against the War on Science

And he follows it up with:

    Evidence shows the public is hungry for such discussion of science-driven issues—which affect voters at least as much as the economics, foreign policy, and faith and values issues candidates traditionally discuss—that afford an opportunity to hold candidates to account on the evidence.

without providing one small bit of "evidence". Kinda funny that it's said without any apparent irony.

I think the available evidence (which in the spirit of, I will also not provide) says that people don't give a fuck, and they just want to live as easily as possible while being able to feed their families. If you meet someone who's skeptical about a conclusion that's overwhelmingly supported by evidence (e.g. global warming), the chances are good they've heard all the facts and rejected them. You can't fight denial with facts; you can only fight it with vision. People in coal country probably wouldn't give a shit if the coal mines closed if you could offer them something better.