This week's lesson: when you're stuck, change it up. I've felt increasingly frustrated about my place lately. It was a culmination of things: housemates that don't clean anything, heating that sporadically works, showers that can't last more than a few minute, no AC, little to no proper ventilation... Enough to make me look for other places. But I had a hard time finding something significantly better for a similar price. I thought about it some more and realized that I wanted change more than I wanted to move. So I moved things around my place, tailoring it to how I use it most. I fixed my audio setup, mended my bed, did some cable management and created some new shelf space. I changed what I could, the rest I should just accept. In other news, my bike's gears are completely worn out. Chain fell of two times in three days. The bike shop is fixing it for me as I write this. €50 in new parts, damn.