So... we meet again, Pubski! You thought you'd seen the last of me - but no! - here I am, to edify you with my ramblings. Eh. So, I am writing again. The two-season arc historical drama based on the founding of Seattle is charging right along... and I can't seem to carve out the necessary time I need to just sit and write. There is conflict, and drama, and love, and deviousness, and family, and strong women, and real native americans presented in a realistic way, and it's all based on actual historical events! I've been able to hew very close to the actual historical events and timeline, and still find a strong story to tell, that moves multiple plot lines forward across episodes, while making each episode a whole and complete thing unto itself! Yay! But to tell the story in a TV-friendly way, I think I need to time-shift two prominent historical events. I'm torn about this historical inaccuracy, but I am also not absolutely sure I need to move these events... from here it looks like I might need to move them... but as I get closer to writing them, I may find other ways to keep to a historically accurate timeline. We shall see. I'll stop thinking out loud and boring y'all to death... Bartender? How about a Laphroaig Quarter Cask with a single ice cube. Thanks.