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OftenBen  ·  3068 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to be Perfectly Unhappy

When he says

    Being "happy" implies permanence

I think he's trying to say

    "Happy" implies a pervasive good feeling

Maybe not 'permanent' but more than just a fleeting moment of 'this feels good.'

Meditation is certainly helpful. I am on some sort of plateau, I don't seem to be making much 'progress' such as it is. I sit, become still, and then... that's it. I've been slacking in my practice lately because I don't feel like I'm deriving much benefit from it. My day is no longer radically changed if I spend 20 minutes sitting before I leave for work.

I certainly have some problems with this piece, but I guess I like seeing that there are other people out there pouring their heart and soul into things, having varied interests, and who still struggle with the things I do. Makes me feel less alone, less atypical than I am.