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bioemerl  ·  2825 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The climate crisis is already hereā€”but no one's telling us.

Common good does depend on the infrastructure. That stuff exists today, and isn't going anywhere anytime soon. If the whole world collapses than it's going to collapse, we'll have bigger problems than worldwide unity on our hands.

    One thing is for certain: eventually the goldi-locks zone that Earth is in will change. Eventually life as we know it will not be sustainable.

Life as we know it has been unsustainable from day one. We move forward, we make changes, that's how we survive, not by trying to make a single system that is stable always and into the future, but by making as robust a system we can that lasts for today, and being able to change that system as tomorrow arrives.

Every generation will face a problem like global warming. As our parents faced nuclear annihilation, and their parents faced world wars and supply shortages, our way of life is always under threat.

    Statistics show we are merely approaching another apocalyptic event: natural disaster/meteor strike blah blah blah.

Statistic show that these events are possible, but are so unavoidable, so damaging, and so unlikely that we really shouldn't worry about them.

People, again, are smart, and if society isn't reacting to a problem you feel is a big deal than it's more likely the problem isn't a big deal, rather than that the problem is being ignored and will kill us all in a few weeks. That is assuming, of course, that you have spoken your mind and made yourself heard. On subjects like global warming, plenty have. On the subjects of global fiscal systems, plenty have. Problems will get fixed when they need to be fixed, not before, and not after.