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veen  ·  2820 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: August 3, 2016

My side-project-to-unwind is done. /r/belgium loved it. A friend of mine who lives in Antwerp thinks it is a good idea to print it out and put it in the mailbox of the mayor, so there's that.

The article I'm writing on selfdriving cars has gone through like five iterations and is starting to really come together. Not yet happy with it, partly because it's a difficult article, partly because I'm insecure about my writing.

In exactly one week I'll be in Berlin, and in one week and a few hours I'll be in Western Poland.

The job I mentioned two (two!?) months ago is finally taking off. I'll be getting a workstation laptop so I can work pretty much anywhere, probably will do one day at the office a week and work from home with that laptop.