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While the only thing I am certain of is the everchanging truth of my own experience, and I'm not even so certain of that, truth matters. I prefer to approach truth, to feel myself in its vicinity, to imagine what a "fact" might be and to doubt it, but why would we have doubt and scepticism if truth didn't matter.

We want to believe in something. We want to trust something. We hang our identities on a "self" we create and believe to be our true self. Not finding the truth only proves how much it matters. Of course, the word "proves" is suspect.

    Facts are simple and facts are straight

    Facts are lazy and facts are late

    Facts all come with points of view

    Facts don't do what I want them to

    Facts just twist the truth around

    Facts are living turned inside out

    Facts are getting the best of them

    Facts are nothing on the face of things

    Facts don't stain the furniture

    Facts go out and slam the door

    Facts are written all over your face

    Facts continue to change their shape

Talking Heads