I've got you!
- The predominate races in the world are: Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Half Orcs,
Other races in the world include: Gnomes, Orcs, Goblins
By far the most populous race in Lanthis, human societies hold considerable power in the world. Capable of interbreeding with Orcs and Dwarves, and a favorite plaything of divine powers, humanity has proven quite malleable.
The average Dwarf can expect to live up to 500 years, and as such they place a large emphasis on managing their populations. Dwarves typically go centuries between child rearing, and they have used this free time to master their trades.
Other races portray Dwarves as alcoholics, which is an understandable but unfortunate conclusion. In fact Dwarven metabolism is dependent on alcohol, which does not mentally effect them. When cut off from alcohol for a prolonged time, most individuals prefer to take their own lives before the full affects of its absence are felt.
The forebearers to the Elven race were Dwarves who became corrupted by the forest. Although possessed of longer lifespans than their Dwarven siblings, few outlive them in practice. Lack of regard for their lives (rooted in seeing themselves as apart of the forest and not as distinct entities) combined with living unprotected from the wild greatly shortens their time. Most Elves eschew technology in favor of a life more in tune with the forest.
Dwarves look upon them with pity, and avoid violence against them if possible.
The oldest of all races on Lanthis, orcs are proud and relatively unchanged from their earliest days. While hardier than other races, Orcs enter their twilight years after three decades. Intermarriage with humans, rooted in the desire to give their children longer lives than their own, has slowly reduced the population of full blooded Orcs almost to the point of obscurity.
Half orcs retain most of the hardieness of their Orcish linage while benefiting from normal human life spans. As a result, their existence is comparable to that of extraordinarily hale humans.
Originating from both Dwarven and Human blood, Gnomish life spans over three centuries. Sadly, Gnomes are born barren, and many feel lonely and isolated from the world. Highly intelligent and personable, most Gnomes choose to reside in Dwarven settlements rather than allowing the constant loss of human companions to take its toll.
Unlike Dwarves, Gnomes are not dependent on alcohol, although like Dwarves they are not mentally effected by it.
Goblins are the youngest of all races on Lanthis, having been created by the first human to obtain complete magical command. With lives that rarely reach into the middle teens, few goblins are able to make their mark on the world before moving on. Goblin society is exceedingly utilitarian as a result.
Because of their unnatural origins, few Goblins believe that an after life awaits their race. Their cultural traditions of poetry and philosophy are widely regarded as the most sophisticated in the world.