Och wow. First of all, I really like it. There is barely a sentence where I don't want to know more or ask questions like "how?" and "why?". That's a great thing and quite frankly your ~5 pages made me more engaged that whole Forgotten Realms main setting book.
- Names are meaningful. Personally I would take "The Reformed God Slayer Kingdom" than some "Gaholaugh" or whatever fantasy authors would want to roll from random syllable table ;). Even the non-English ones are actually pronounceable.
- Races are close to their popular trope, but each comes with enough distinct traits to make them feel different. I especially love the Elf description. Orks have relatable and very 'human' reason to produce half-breeds instead of being barbarians on the rape spree.
- The fact that all magic stems from divine source and is very rare really resonates with me. Even as someone fairly new to RPGs I managed to already get bored of Weave of Magic, Winds of Magic, Magic Field of Magic etc that seems to just exists and act as a safety net for situations where something would not make much sense.
- Your map has actual roads!
- None so to speak at this point, maybe aside of the typos that I think that I have spotted below.
- In fact Dwarven metabolism is dependent on alcohol, which does not mentally effect them.
Shouldn't this be "affect"?
- rooted in seeing themselves as apart of the forest and not as distinct entities
"as a part" instead of "as apart"?