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Devac  ·  3046 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I am in need of minimal opensource D20-esque systems

keifermiller - please read this post, I do think that it might be a solution that you need.

    … have rarely gotten above Player Level 10.

Yeah, it might have been a mistake on our part to use campaign modules :/. I took two or three of them to have something going while I was strengthening my grip on the rules and suddenly I had a party around level 9. Don't take me wrong, I do not blame it on the system. However that first situation two years ago or so (my first system was, as it is fairly normal in Poland, Warhammer FRP as opposed to any type of D&D) made me look for something that scales significantly slower while invoking more role play and fluffy bits. That' a play style, not the fault of the system itself. Although I must say that there are no published settings for it that I can say that really do what I expect from them. And my world building skills boil down to "I'm an Ancient Rome geek and it shows" even when I'm attempting sci-fi ;).

That's where Epic6 comes into play. You advance up to and including level 6… and that is it! You can gain extra feats later on and generally improve skills. But you will stay around that level of competence. Main bonus that comes from it is the fact that 5-7th level is around the place where linear fighter, quadratic wizard intersect so neither hogs the scene by power domination :D. I believe that in original article where Epic6 was first shown to the world author spend some time explaining a rather intriguing statement: Gandalf was a 5th level Wizard. Then the system was made around the idea of "how to make 6th level characters seem epic aside of reminding players non-stop that most of the world is lvl 0?". I do think that while it could still be improved a bit, it solved almost all of the progression problems and resulting amount of options that grind some players into a halt.

In the end, I do wholeheartedly recommend giving it at least a solid try. My group had a blast with it, although personally I still feel compelled more toward Basic/Expert Set, I find it as a solid compromise and a type of game where you can really master your character and learn it swiftly.