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_refugee_  ·  2890 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 22, 2016

Here is what I am calling a "short mean poem." I am posting it here because everything in my life right now is going pretty surprisingly, amazingly great, which is wonderful except it makes for very boring conversation (I find), and because I do not expect this poem will see the light of day anywhere else, certainly not in any publications.

Also because it may be short and mean but god damn does it feel good to vent the spleen.

  poem for orlando

  i have no poem for orlando

everyone else seems to have scrawled off one first

what a pity for me, to skip such a popular current topic !

i could've got published again for sure


WORK: Context: My work schedule and load runs from the 15th of each month to the next. So the week before the 15th is wrap-up week, usually super busy. Week after, usually relaxed and free.

Today is the 22nd of the month and by EOD today assuming I am on schedule I will have completed more than 50% of my monthly workload.

This is actually great because I'm taking a lot of vacation in July, so getting this month done early means i can start July's work early, and I won't be panicked or frantic when it comes to taking 10 days off the last week of the month.

RELATIONSHIP: Everything is superb on the romantic front. My girl and I went to a festival over the weekend. She won a sharp shooting game and, as a result, a stuffed dog that is about as big as I am. I draped it over my shoulders and we walked out of the festival together while I pondered that I was indeed the girl with the biggest prize at the fair...but maybe, I didn't mean the dog.

FRIENDS: I have them. They are fewer than they used to be but the ones I still have are better.

BUDGET: Surprise $150 credit on my energy bill this month AND my monthly vet payments are finally done as of this month. I can eat! And drink! And maybe go out some night even!

WRITING: Doing it, sometimes. Thinking about how I want to do it, more. In a good place. Sent a submission today.

EXERCISE: Been tearing up the Fitbit last few days and calorie tracking. I have to remind myself fitness is a journey, and hot bods are made day by day, but hey...I've got a good streak going right now.

FAMILY: I went home twice in the past 2 weeks and didn't get into even a small tizzy with my mom either time. PLUS, they seem to suspect I'm dating a chick, which means telling them will be that much easier when it happens.

What else even is there?